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2021-2022 Academic Catalog
2021-2022 Academic Catalog
» RADT - Radiologic Technologist
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Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USU) History
Programs of Study
College Allied Health Sciences (CAHS)
Graduate School of Nursing (GSN)
School of Medicine (SOM)
Graduate Education Office (GEO)
Postgraduate Dental College (PDC)
ANE - Anesthesiology
APG - Anatomy
ATO - Medical Neuroscience
BBB - Bench to Bedside and Beyond
BCO - Biochemistry
CAP - Capstone
CCAT - Critical Care Air Transport
CVTT - Cardiovascular Technician
DER - Dermatology
DSAE - Cardiopulmonary Laboratory Apprentice
EID - Emerging Infectious Diseases
ENGL - English
EMSA - Emergency Medical Services Paramedic
EMSP - Emergency Medical Services Paramedic
FAM - Family Medicine
FKA - Dentistry
FKE - Dentistry
FLA - Dentistry
FLB - Dentistry
FLC - Dentistry
FLE - Dentistry
FLH - Dentistry
FLP - Dentistry
GSO - Gynecologic Surgery & Obstetrics
HCB - Hospital Corpsman Basic
HLS - Histology Technician
HPE - Health Professional Education
IDO - Independent course
MCB - Molecular and Cell Biology
MCO - Microbiology And Immunology
MED - Medicine
MEM - Military and Emergency Medicine
MIL - Military Medicine
MILS - Military Science
MLTS - Medical Laboratory Technician
MOM - Military Operational Medicine
MPO - Medical And Clinical Psychology
N - Dentistry
NDTS - Neurodiagnostic Technologist
NEU - Neurology
NMTS - Nuclear Medicine Technologist
NSO - NeuroScience
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition Science
OPHT - Ophthalmic Technician
OPTS - Opticianry
OPMS - Independent course
OTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant
PAO - Pathology
PAT - Pathology
PED - Pediatrics
PHD - Doctoral Research
PHO - Pharmacology
PHRA - Pharmacy Technician
PMB - Preventive Medicine
PMO - Preventive Medicine & Biostatistics
PRC - Pre-Clerkship
PSY - Psychiatry
PVNT - Preventive Medicine Technician
RAD - Radiology
RADT - Radiologic Technologist
RBB - Dentistry
RBE - Dentistry
RCC - Dentistry
RGD - Dentistry
RGF - Dentistry
RHB - Dentistry
RHT - Radiation Health
RSB - Dentistry
RGE - Dentistry
RSPT - Cardiopulmonary Laboratory Apprentice
SPCH - Oral Communication
SUBA - Independent Duty Corpsman Submarine Alternate
SUBI - Independent Duty Corpsman Submarine
SURI - Independent Duty Corpsman Surface
SUR - Surgery
SFMS - Advanced Tactical
URT - Urology Technician
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RADT - Radiologic Technologist
RADT 1101
Introduction to Radiology
RADT 1109
The Radiology Technologist in the US Air Force
RADT 1302
Principles of Radiographic Imaging w/ Lab
RADT 1509
Basics of Patient Care
RADT 2207
Radiographic Procedures of the Thorax and Abdomen w/Lab
RADT 2301
Anatomy and Physiology for the Radiology Technologist
RADT 2302
Calculations in Radiation, Physics, Biology & Protection
RADT 2308
Ethical Considerations for the Radiologic Technologist
RADT 2407
Advanced Medical Imaging w/Lab
RADT 2505
Radiographic Procedures of the Extremities w/Lab
RADT 2506
Radiographic Procedures of the Skull and Spine w/Lab
RADT 2901
Clinical Practicum I
RADT 2902
Clinical Practicum II
RADT 2903
Clinical Practicum III