2022-2023 Academic Catalog

HPE 806 Advanced Principles of Leadership in HPE

This course will build upon Leadership Roles in Health Professions Education and is designed to help learners move from understanding into action in the field of leadership by matching leadership strategies to specific situations, both hypothetical and real. The course also includes a critique of contemporary theories in leadership and an emphasis on practical leadership problems and potential solutions in health professions education. An emphasis is placed on a system-level approach as a key to leadership. Within the course, learners will review and critically examine multiple aspects of leadership including its theoretical basis (transformational, transactional; academic, corporate and hierarchical); theories of organizational culture (academic/collegial, engineering/mechanistic, manufacturing and service industries) as well as styles, traits, and the unique leadership challenges present in the military health care sector. The focus of this course will be on techniques of leadership, practical problems and potential solutions in health professions education, and the critical appraisal of these techniques and theories.




MED 500