2021-2022 Academic Catalog

CAP 4000 Capstone Research Project

The Capstone Program encompasses a diverse group of scholarly activities under 4 broad categories: laboratory research; clinical research; global health and military leadership scholarship, and educational research and scholarship. Most research or other scholarly work should occur within these elective blocks. Students can enter the course code for up to 3 months. Elective months do not have to be in sequence. Each School of Medicine Class has a dedicated Capstone Sakai Website with descriptions of opportunities, a series of short instructional modules explaining the program and administrative requirements, and copies of required forms. Students should gain approval from OSA to take these elective months and coordinate submission of the 3202 scholarly planning form with the Capstone Program Director. At completion a simple Pass/Fail evaluation from the mentor is required.




USUHS; National Capital Area (NCA)