2021-2022 Academic Catalog

MCO 301 Introduction to Medical Microbiology

This is an introductory course in medical microbiology that provides an overview of the normal flora in human health and the role of pathogens in disease. The scope of the course includes bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens. (Pathogenic parasites including protozoans and helminths are covered in a separate course). Following this course, students should be able to describe the physical structure, genetic organization, and the growth and virulence properties of each class of agents. They will relate how major pathogens in each category contribute to disease in humans with emphasis on the epidemiology, virulence properties, and laboratory characteristics of each agents as well as methods for prevention and antimicrobial therapy. This course is complementary to the Introduction to Immunology course that is also offered in the fall quarter. Background in immunology will enhance the student's understanding of the host response to infection
