2021-2022 Academic Catalog

MCO 502 Pathogenic Bacteriology

The major objectives of this course are to provide students with a broad understanding of the mechanisms that are utilized by bacteria to cause disease and an appreciation of the experimental approaches that are utilized in the study bacterial pathogenesis. To accomplish the first objective, an overview of each topic is presented in a lecture format by departmental faculty or invited speakers who are experts in the field. Classic paradigms of infection are illustrated by focusing on the pathogenesis of specific organisms. To meet the second objective of the course, students present research articles each Friday that are pertinent to the topics discussed that week. Students also compose a short original research proposal on a topic of their choice that is relevant to the study of bacterial pathogenesis. After receiving written feedback on the proposal from the faculty, students present their revised proposals to the class to gain experience in orally defending a research plan. The final examination is a comprehensive examination of the material presented in the course.
