2021-2022 Academic Catalog

NURS 7211 Psychopharmacology III

This course is designed to provide students with the necessary psychopharmacologic content required to prepare them to function in an advanced practice role as a Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.  This course builds on the core nurse practitioner pharmacology course, health assessment, physiology and pathophysiology, and mental health diagnostic content from previous courses. The focus of this course is medications used as Hypnotics, Stimulants and Complementary Alternative Medications specific to individuals with psychiatric illness and mental disorders across the lifespan.  This course will challenge student critical thinking and problem solving skills as they apply psychopharmacologic principles to a wide array of chronic and acute psychiatric and medical clinical conditions.  Students will learn to synthesize evidence based psychopharmacological treatment of mental health disease components related to operational, humanitarian and homeland defense health risks.
