2021-2022 Academic Catalog

NURS 7222 Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders Across the Lifespan

This course is designed to introduce substance abuse treatment theory and provide the student with opportunities to synthesize and apply the principles of advanced practice psychiatric nursing in a substance abuse treatment facility.  Under the guidance of a qualified preceptor, the student will apply principles of the advanced practice psychiatric nurse practitioner role, utilizing theoretical and experiential knowledge from all previous course work.  The clinical practice requirements are based on the expected competencies for the advanced practice nurse in psychiatric mental health nursing as outlined by the American Nurses Association (2006) and the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (2003).  Clinical conference sessions are designed to assist the student to analyze multiple variables in mental health and illness and, using a problem-solving framework, to determine optimal psychiatric mental health care for individuals in substance abuse treatment settings.
