PSY 4320 Inpatient Psychiatry
This is a 4th year inpatient psychiatry rotation under close staff supervision. Students will perform initial patient evaluations, devise management plans & follow patients in ongoing treatment. Rotation emphasis is on assessments, crisis intervention/stabilization, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.
This rotation allows 1 (one) student/rotation/site, with some rotations not being available.
*Students must confirm enrollment with Psychiatry Course Coordinators ( to assure availability.
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) - MD; Fort Belvoir Army Hospital (BLV) - VA; Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston (JBSA) - TX; Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (NMCP) - VA; Naval Medical Center, San Diego (NMCSD) - CA; Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC) - HI; Veteran Affairs Medical Center (DCVA) - Washington, D.C.; Psychiatric Institute of Washington (PIW) - Washington, D.C.; Darnell Army Medical Center, Ft. Hood - TX; Wright-Patterson AFB - OH.