2022-2023 Academic Catalog

Admission Process
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Emerging and Infectious Diseases PhD

  • USU application
  • Official transcripts- A baccalaureate degree must be obtained from an accredited college or university. Included within this definition are those institutions that are in the process of seeking accreditation and currently have provisional or conditional accreditation, or candidacy status for accreditation. The program may request that transcripts from institutions outside the US be evaluated by a credential evaluation service.
  • A strong undergraduate training in science is required, and undergraduate studies must have focused on an appropriate scientific discipline, e.g., biology, biochemistry, chemistry, microbiology, or physiology. Required courses include college level introductory and organic chemistry, biochemistry, physics, and mathematics. An introduction to molecular biology, molecular techniques, and genetics is highly recommended.
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Current resume (include relevant research and teaching experience)
  • Three Letters of Recommendation

Environmental and Occupation Health MSPH

  • USU Application
  • Admission to the MSPH program in EOH will be preferentially offered to active duty uniformed personnel in one of the preventive medicine/public health disciplines.
  • Civilian applicants may be considered for admission in special circumstances subject to an additional approval process, with preference given to health professionals sponsored by other U.S. government agencies.
  • Active Duty applicants must provide evidence of Service support.
  • Applicants should possess, at minimum, a Baccalaureate degree from an accredited academic institution before matriculation at USU in one of the biological or health science disciplines or in engineering, an outstanding academic record, some health-related experience, and demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in public health.
  • All applicants must have earned a baccalaureate degree and must complete the USU graduate programs application, including official transcript, three letters or recommendation, resume and personal statement.

Environmental Health Science PhD

  • Qualified active duty uniformed officers serving in fields related to environmental health and authorized for full-time duty-under-instruction education by their sponsoring service will be preferentially reviewed for admission to the PhD programs in Environmental Health Science. At a minimum, applicants must have a Master’s degree from an accredited academic institution before matriculation at USU with an outstanding academic record and documented successful completion of rigorous coursework related to their desired area of graduate study.
  • Active Duty applicants must provide evidence of Service support and should indicate the status of obtaining this sponsorship in the application. ROTC cadets applying to USU grad programs through the educational delay program must be admitted as civilians.
  • All applicants must have earned a baccalaureate and Master’s degrees and must complete the USU graduate programs application, including official transcript, three letters or recommendation, resume and personal statement.

Global Health and Global Health Engagement Certificate

  • USU Application
  • Completion of a baccalaureate degree 

Health Administration and Policy MHAP

  • USU Application
  • Preference for admission goes to Medical Service Corps, Medical, Dental, Nurse, applied science, and veterinary officers on active duty in the Uniformed Services (including Officer Candidates in the Navy's Health Services Collegiate Program).
  • Enlisted members of the Uniformed Services who are applying for a Commission in a Uniformed Service are encouraged to apply to the MHAP program. However, enrollment to USU is conditional on the Enlisted applicant's acceptance by a Service as a Commissioned Officer.
  • Applicants from federal agencies and specific Partner/Host Nations may also be considered for admissions. Applicants without a background in health care and/or policy may also be considered for admission.
  • Active-duty Uniformed Services personnel must obtain sponsorship of their parent Service and should mention in their admission application where they stand in the process of securing sponsorship.
  • All applicants must have earned a Baccalaureate degree and must complete the USU graduate programs application, including official transcript, three letters or recommendation, resume and personal statement.

Health Professions Education MHPE, MEd, and PhD

  • USU Application (must indicate if applying for full or part-time study).
  • Current CV.
  • Official academic transcripts from all post-secondary (undergraduate college and beyond) educational institutions where you earned a certificate or degree. Learners with an advanced degree (e.g., MD, DO, PhD, etc.) and a USU faculty appointment may submit their faculty appointment letter and a picture of their diploma in lieu of transcript requirement.
  • Three letters of recommendation (a total of 3 referees) from individuals familiar with the applicant’s academic, professional, and/or military service background.
  • A personal statement describing how the applicant became interested in health professions education and how they envision incorporating the education they would receive in their future careers.
  • For MHPE and PhD Applicants: In addition to a personal statement, please also include a research statement describing current research interests. For MEd applicants, please submit a statement describing what educational innovation you would like to pursue. 
  • PhD applicants should also submit a Dissertation Proposal Form (required). MHPE applicants may also submit a Proposal Form (optional). MEd-HPE applicants may also submit a Culminating Project Proposal Form (optional).



  • Part-time applicants: A letter of support from the applicant’s direct supervisor is required. The letter must explicitly state that its author is the applicant’s direct supervisor. The supervisor’s letter must also include the supervisor’s current email address and phone number. If the learner’s supervisor changes while enrolled in the program, the new supervisor’s contact information must be provided and a statement of support from the new supervisor must be obtained within three months of the change. It is the learner’s responsibility to update the HPE program regarding changes in their job supervision.
  • USU medical students can pursue a dual MD-Masters of Education in Health Professions Education (MEd in HPE). This is a new offering and interested medical students must apply during year one of medical school as this is a four-year dual degree.

Health Professions Education Certificates

  • USU Application (must indicate if applying for full or part-time study).
  • Current CV.
  • Official academic transcripts from all post-secondary (undergraduate college and beyond) educational institutions where you earned a certificate or degree. Learners with an advanced degree (e.g., MD, DO, PhD, etc.) and a USU faculty appointment may submit their faculty appointment letter and a picture of their diploma in lieu of transcript requirement.
  • Three letters of recommendation (a total of 3 referees) from individuals familiar with the applicant’s academic, professional, and/or military service background.
  • A personal statement describing how the applicant became interested in health professions education and how they envision incorporating the education they would receive in their future careers.
  • A letter of support from the applicant’s direct supervisor is required. The letter must explicitly state that its author is the applicant’s direct supervisor. The supervisor’s letter must also include the supervisor’s current email address and phone number. If the learner’s supervisor changes while enrolled in the program, the new supervisor’s contact information must be provided and a statement of support from the new supervisor must be obtained within three months of the change. It is the learner’s responsibility to update the HPE program regarding changes in their job supervision.

Medical / Clinical Psychology PhD

  • USU Application
  • Official transcripts- A baccalaureate degree must be obtained from an accredited college or university. Included within this definition are those institutions that are in the process of seeking accreditation and currently have provisional or conditional accreditation, or candidacy status for accreditation. The program may request that transcripts from institutions outside the US be evaluated by a credential evaluation service.
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Current resume (include relevant research and teaching experience)
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
  • Biosketch (see example on departmental website)
  • Applicants participating in the military track must also complete the questionnaire available on the departmental website.

Medical Track (both military and civilian may apply)


Molecular and Cellular Biology PhD

  • USU application
  • Official transcripts- A baccalaureate degree must be obtained from an accredited college or university. Included within this definition are those institutions that are in the process of seeking accreditation and currently have provisional or conditional accreditation, or candidacy status for accreditation. The program may request that transcripts from institutions outside the US be evaluated by a credential evaluation service.
  • A strong undergraduate training (minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale) in a branch of science that is relevant to Molecular and Cell Biology (e.g., Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry etc.) is required. Required courses include college level introductory chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics. An introduction to molecular biology, molecular techniques, biochemistry and genetics is highly recommended.
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Current resume (include relevant research and teaching experience)
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation

Neuroscience PhD

  • USU Application
  • Official transcripts- A baccalaureate degree must be obtained from an accredited college or university. Included within this definition are those institutions that are in the process of seeking accreditation and currently have provisional or conditional accreditation, or candidacy status for accreditation. The program may request that transcripts from institutions outside the US be evaluated by a credential evaluation service.
  • We recognize that Neuroscience students come from a wide variety of backgrounds. A strong undergraduate training in science with completion of courses in biochemistry, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, physiology and psychology is desirable.
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Current resume (include relevant research and teaching experience)
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation

Public Health MPH

  • USU Application
  • Priority for admission goes to active duty uniformed officers possessing doctoral degrees in medical, dental, and veterinary or other allied health fields. Applicants without a doctoral degree in a health-related field may also be considered for admission.
  • Active-duty Uniformed Services personnel must obtain the sponsorship of their parent organization and should indicate the status of obtaining this sponsorship in the application.
  • Civilian applicants may be considered for admission in special circumstances subject to an approval process, with preference given to physicians and other health professionals sponsored by other U.S. government agencies.
  • All applicants must have earned a baccalaureate degree and must complete the USU graduate programs application, including official transcript, three letters or recommendation, resume and personal statement.

Public Health PhD

  • USU Application
  • Admission to this program will be preferentially offered to active duty military officers with a background in a health-related field. Other applicants will be considered for admission with preference given to health professionals sponsored by other U.S. government agencies.
  • Applicants are expected to have at least a Master’s degree in a related field with an outstanding academic record (undergraduate and graduate transcripts), some public health experience, and demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in public health.
  • Civilian PhD students may be eligible for USUHS graduate student stipends if they meet the University eligibility criteria.
  • Active-duty Uniformed Services personnel must obtain the sponsorship of their parent organization and should indicate the status of obtaining this sponsorship in the application. ROTC cadets applying to USU grad programs through the educational delay program must be admitted as civilians.
  • All applicants must have earned baccalaureate and Master’s degree, complete the USU graduate programs application, including official transcript,  three letters or recommendation, resume and personal statement.

Tropical Medicine and Hygiene MTMH

  • The MTM&H program is restricted to active duty uniformed physicians with a medical degree from an accredited institution and at least one year of post-doctoral clinical training.
  • The sponsoring Service or agency will be responsible for funding the travel and per diem for overseas travel completed as part of the MTM&H practicum and for verifying the applicant's professional credentials and unrestricted privilege to practice medicine.
  • All applicants must have earned a baccalaureate degree and must complete the USU graduate programs application, including official transcript, three letters or recommendation, resume and personal statement.

Vector Biology and Parasitology MSPH

Admission into the MSPH program will be preferentially offered to uniformed active duty personnel in one of the preventive medicine/public health disciplines. Applicants should possess, at minimum, a Baccalaureate degree from an accredited academic institution in the US before matriculation at USU in one of the biological or health science disciplines, an outstanding academic record, some health-related experience, support from their Service (if active duty) and demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in public health. 


● Each applicant must complete a baccalaureate degree program (or higher) from an accredited academic institution before matriculation at USU.
● Complete college transcripts, transcripts of all previous graduate studies.
● A complete employment history.
● Three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s academic, professional, and/or military service background
● Active Duty applicants must have evidence of Service support.

Vector Biology and Parasitology PhD

  • Qualified active duty uniformed officers serving in fields related to environmental health, public health and vector biology (medical entomology) will be preferentially reviewed for admission to the PhD program in Vector Biology and Parasitology.
  • Civilian applicants are considered on a space available basis with preference given to health professionals sponsored by U.S. government agencies.
  • Matriculates should have a Master's degree in an appropriate field of biology that includes sufficient foundational coursework in the track they will be studying. Only under the most exceptional circumstances will individuals with only a Baccalaureate degree be considered for admission to the program. Applicants must have an outstanding academic record and documented successful completion of rigorous coursework related to their desired area of graduate study.
  • All applicants must have earned a baccalaureate degree and must complete the USU graduate programs application, including official transcript,  three letters or recommendation, resume and personal statement.