The goal of the Masters in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene program is to provide each student with the necessary academic background to practice as a competent public health officer and tropical disease expert in one of the uniformed services. The program is designed for medical officers desiring specific preparation for assignment to tropical medicine clinical, research and teaching positions. Graduates of the MTM&H program will acquire the same quantitative and analytical skills in biostatistics and epidemiology as MPH graduates. They will also be able to assess the health needs of international communities and to investigate the impact of biological, environmental, and behavioral factors on community health. Graduates will acquire an in-depth knowledge of the agents of tropical diseases, medical parasitology, and vector biology. During the practicum, students will have the opportunity for hands-on experience in an overseas location with the epidemiology, pathology, diagnosis, management, treatment, prevention, surveillance, and control of selected tropical diseases. The MTM&H degree also represents suitable academic preparation for residency training and board certification in General Preventive Medicine/Public Health.