2023-2024 Academic Catalog

HPE 604 Rhetoric and Academic Writing

In this course, students will work on their own research manuscript in preparation for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. Students will analyze research manuscripts to identify rhetorical principles and grammatical techniques that can make a paper more effective. The emphasis in this course will be on practical application of these principles and techniques to students’ own manuscript. Each student will also act as a reviewer of a peer’s manuscript to learn how to help others improve the effectiveness of their writing.



Learning Objectives

  1. Describe some principles and techniques of rhetoric and grammar;
  2. Articulate how the aforementioned principles and techniques can be applied to health professions education research manuscripts;
  3. Use the principles and techniques of rhetoric and grammar to analyze a research manuscript;
  4. Apply the aforementioned principles and techniques to inform the production of their own research manuscript;
  5. Write more effectively by putting into practice rhetorical strategies and grammatically correct writing skills.