2023-2024 Academic Catalog

HPE 611 Accept, Reject, or Revise? Becoming a Reviewer and Author in Health Professions Education

Scholarship drives the practice of health professions education forward, affecting how we educate trainees and others, what we know about each other and our institutions, and how we identify
and close gaps in our understanding of important topics. Reviewing for journals can help health professions educators and researchers improve their writing and critical literature appraisal skills
and keep abreast of the latest research in their fields. The purpose of this seminar is to develop understanding and experience as a peer reviewer of health professions education scholarship and
to discover how the principles of peer review can improve your work as an author. In this seminar, you will gain new knowledge about peer review and apply it by reviewing actual submissions to
a leading health professions education journal. Then you will relate those principles to your own writing.



Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the peer-review process, including the types of comments expected of reviewers, reviewer etiquette, and common publication recommendations, across multiple article types.
  2. Write review comments that answer the questions editors want answered, across multiple article types.
  3. Apply strategies for writing clearly and concisely in their own writing.