2024-2025 Academic Catalog

HPE 615 AI in Health Professions Education: Implications for Educators and Leaders

This 6-week course delves into the applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare practice and education. Students will explore how AI technologies can enhance teaching, learning, assessment, research, and feedback in healthcare education. Students will develop an understanding of the potential applications, challenges, and ethics in utilizing AI as leaders in healthcare education.



Learning Objectives

  1. Explain the fundamental concepts of AI and its potential applications in HPE.
  2. Apply AI techniques, such as NLP and ML to enhance learning in healthcare.
  3. Critically evaluate the ethical implications of using AI in healthcare and education.
  4. Design AI-powered learning experiences to meet the needs of healthcare professionals.
  5. Develop knowledge and skills to lead out in communicating the benefits and risks of AI to healthcare stakeholders.