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2024-2025 Academic Catalog
2024-2025 Academic Catalog
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Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USU) History
Programs of Study
College of Allied Health Sciences (CAHS)
Graduate School of Nursing (GSN)
School of Medicine (SOM)
Graduate Education Office (GEO)
Postgraduate Dental College (PDC)
ANE - Anesthesiology
APG - Anatomy
APT - Aerospace Physiology Technician
ATO - Medical Neuroscience
AVT - Aerospace Medical Technician
BBB - Bench to Bedside and Beyond
BCO - Biochemistry
CAMS - Global Community Health
CAP - Capstone
CCAT - Critical Care Air Transport
CCCF - Dentistry
CCCR - Dentistry
COMF - Dentistry
COMR - Dentistry
CVTT - Cardiovascular Technician
DER - Dermatology
EID - Emerging Infectious Diseases
EMSA - Emergency Medical Services Paramedic
EMSP - Emergency Medical Services Paramedic
ENDF - Dentistry
ENDR - Dentistry
ETAL - Education and Training Administration and Leadership
FAM - Family Medicine
GSO - Gynecologic Surgery & Obstetrics
HCB - Hospital Corpsman Basic
HLPY - Health Physics Technician
HLS - Histology Technician
HPE - Health Professional Education
IDO - Independent course
INDS - Independent Study
MCB - Molecular and Cell Biology
MCO - Microbiology and Immunology
MED - Medicine
MEM - Military and Emergency Medicine
MIL - Military Medicine
MLTS - Medical Laboratory Technician
MOM - Military Operational Medicine
MPO - Medical And Clinical Psychology
N - Dentistry
NDTS - Neurodiagnostic Technologist
NEU - Neurology
NMTS - Nuclear Medicine Technologist
NSO - Neuroscience
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition Science
OPHT - Ophthalmic Technician
OPTS - Opticianry
OPMS - Independent course
ORPT - Dentistry
OTA - Occupational Therapy Assistant
PAO - Pathology
PAT - Pathology
PED - Pediatrics
PERF - Dentistry
PERR - Dentistry
PHD - Doctoral Research
PHO - Pharmacology
PHRA - Pharmacy Technician
PMB - Preventive Medicine
PMO - Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics
PRC - Pre-Clerkship
PROF - Dentistry
PROR - Dentistry
PSY - Psychiatry
PVNT - Public Health Technician
RAD - Radiology
RADT - Radiologic Technologist
RHT - Radiation Health Technician
RSPT - Respiratory Care Practitioner
RSPT - Respiratory Therapy Technician
SFMS - Advanced Tactical Provider
SUBA - Independent Duty Corpsman Submarine Alternate
SUBI - Independent Duty Corpsman Submarine
SURI - Independent Duty Corpsman Surface
SUR - Surgery
URT - Urology Technician
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ANE 3205
Anesthesia Clerkship
ANE 4205
Anesthesia Clerkship
ANE 4220
Chronic Pain Elective
ANE 4223
Anesthesia Advanced Operating Room Experience
ANE 4224
Acute Pain Elective
ANE 4225
Anesthesia Critical Care Elective
ANE 4226
Pediatric Anesthesia Elective
ANE 4227
Trauma and Burn Anesthesia Elective
ANE 5000
Anesthesia Independent Study
APG 4110
Neuroanatomy Elective
APG 4140
Anatomy Teaching Elective
APG 4150
Forensic Anthropology
APG 4160
Advanced Forensic Anthropology
APG 4170
Anatomical Variations
APG 4780
Advanced Anatomy - Cadaver Dissection Review
APG 5000
Anatomy Independent Study
APT 2202
Aviation Life Support Systems and Altitude Physiology
APT 2203
Physiological Aviation Hazards
APT 2301
Aviation Survival
APT 3304
Aviation Survival Instructor
ATO 1012
Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neuroscience
AVT 2102
Aviation Medicine Administration
AVT 2303
Intro to Physical Examination and Medical Readiness
AVT 3101
Hearing Conservation
AVT 3206
Culminating Medical Records Project
AVT 3304
Physical Examinations
AVT 3305
Medical Investigation of Aviation Mishaps
BBB 4000
Bench to Bedside and Beyond
BCO 520
Biochemistry I
BCO 522
Biochemistry II
CAMS 3103
Operational Dentistry
CAMS 3201
Introduction to Civil Affairs
CAMS 3204
Farm and Ranch Management
CAMS 3301
Conflict Resolution
CAMS 3302
Operational Public Health
CAMS 3303
Intercultural Communication
CAMS 3304
Organizational Leadership
CAMS 3305
Strategic Communication
CAMS 3306
Project Management
CAMS 4305
Operational Analysis and Planning Practicum
CAMS 4306
Geographic Information Systems
CAMS 4307
Open-Source Intelligence
CAP 4000
Capstone Research Project
CCAT 3301
Critical Care Air Transport
CCCF 730
Biomedical Foundations
CCCF 731
Pharmacology 1
CCCF 732
Pain Control and Principles of Sedation
CCCF 740
Interdisciplinary Seminar 1
CCCF 741
Pain Control and Principles of Sedation
CCCF 742
Dental Implantology
CCCF 750
Research Methodology/Statistics
CCCF 771
Oral Medicine
CCCF 772
Oral Pathology 1
CCCF 773
Cone Beam Computed Tomography
CCCF 774
Orofacial Pain
CCCF 840
Interdisciplinary Seminar 2
CCCF 872
Oral Pathology 2
CCCF 874
Orofacial Pain 2
CCCF 880
Forensic Dentistry
CCCF 881
Military Operational Dentistry
CCCF 940
Interdisciplinary Seminar 3
CCCF 972
Oral Pathology 3
CCCR 735
Inflammation and Immunology I
CCCR 740
Endodontics / Periodontics / Prosthodontics Seminar I
CCCR 742
Dental Management of the Medically-Compromised / Medical Emergencies Seminar I
CCCR 743
Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck
CCCR 744
Endodontics / Periodontics / Prosthodontics Short Course I
CCCR 745
Dental Implant Course I
CCCR 746
Minimal Sedation I
CCCR 751
Research Design and Statistics
CCCR 761
Ethics, Jurisprudence, and Civic Responsibility I
CCCR 770
Oral Biology I
CCCR 772
Oral Pathology / Oral Histology Seminar I
CCCR 773
Cone Beam Computed Tomography I
CCCR 775
Topics in Oral Biology I
CCCR 776
Topics in Oral Biology II
CCCR 780
Military Readiness Training I
CCCR 835
Inflammation and Immunology II
CCCR 840
Endodontics / Periodontics / Prosthodontics Seminar II
CCCR 842
Dental Management of the Medically-Compromised / Medical Emergencies Seminar II
CCCR 844
Endodontics / Periodontics / Prosthodontics Short Course II
CCCR 845
Dental Implant Course II
CCCR 846
Minimal Sedation II
CCCR 847
Orthodontics Seminar I
CCCR 861
Ethics, Jurisprudence, and Civic Responsibility II
CCCR 862
Professional Organizational Involvement
CCCR 870
Oral Biology II
CCCR 872
Oral Pathology / Oral Histology Seminar II
CCCR 873
Cone Beam Computed Tomography II
CCCR 875
Topics in Oral Biology III
CCCR 876
Topics in Oral Biology IV
CCCR 880
Military Readiness Training II
CCCR 940
Endodontics / Periodontics / Prosthodontics Seminar III
CCCR 944
Endodontics / Periodontics / Prosthodontics Short Course III
CCCR 945
Dental Implant Course III
CCCR 946
Minimal Sedation III
CCCR 947
Orthodontics Seminar II
CCCR 972
Oral Pathology / Oral Histology Seminar III
CCCR 973
Cone Beam Computed Tomography III
CCCR 980
Military Readiness Training III
COMF 714
Prosthodontics 1
COMF 715
Endodontics 1
COMF 716
Operative Dentistry 1
COMF 717
Advanced Periodontology 1
COMF 730
Pharmacotherapeutics in Clinical Dentistry
COMF 733
Dental Materials Technology
COMF 770
Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 1
COMF 772
Oral Pathology
COMF 773
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
COMF 812
Oral Surgery Rotations
COMF 813
Pediatric Dentistry
COMF 814
Prosthodontics 2
COMF 815
Endodontics 2
COMF 816
Operative Dentistry 2
COMF 817
Advanced Periodontology 2
COMF 850
Research Project/Thesis
COMF 870
Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Planning 2
COMF 874
Orofacial Pain
COMF 880
Advanced Techniques in Orthodontics
COMF 890
Management of Dental and Medical Emergencies
COMR 711
Comprehensive Dentistry 1
COMR 712
Oral Surgery 1
COMR 714
Prosthodontics 1
COMR 715
Endodontics 1
COMR 716
Restorative Dentistry 1
COMR 717
Periodontics 1
COMR 811
Comprehensive Dentistry 2
COMR 812
Oral Surgery 2
COMR 813
Pediatric Dentistry
COMR 814
Prosthodontics 2
COMR 815
Endodontics 2
COMR 816
Restorative Dentistry 2
COMR 817
Periodontics 2
COMR 818
COMR 824
Clinical Photography
COMR 825
Practice Management
COMR 842
Sedation and Management of Medical Emergencies
COMR 850
Research Methodology/Biostatistics/Project/Manuscript
COMR 871
Oral Medicine
COMR 872
Oral Pathology
COMR 882
Forensic Dentistry
CVTT 1120
Cardiovascular Radiography Equipment and Methodology
CVTT 1140
Cardiovascular Pathophysiology with Lab
CVTT 1202
Physics for the Health Sciences
CVTT 1203
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
CVTT 1204
Diagnostic Electrocardiography I with Lab
CVTT 1206
Electrophysiology with Lab
CVTT 1301
Essentials of Medical Law and Ethics for Health Professionals
CVTT 1304
Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology with Lab
CVTT 1305
Diagnostic Electrocardiography II with Lab
CVTT 1350
Cardiac Catheterization with Lab
CVTT 2102
Pre-clinical and Registry Assessment
CVTT 2158
Blood Gas Analysis
CVTT 2301
Critical Care
CVTT 2501
Cardiovascular Technologist Clinical I
CVTT 2502
Cardiovascular Technologist Clinical II
CVTT 2503
Catheterization Clinical Rotation I
CVTT 2504
Diagnostic Echocardiography with Lab
CVTT 3401
Catheterization Clinical Rotation III
CVTT 3501
Catheterization Clinical Rotation II
CVTT 3601
Cardiovascular Technologist Clinical III
DER 3100
Dermatology Selective
DER 4100
Clinical Dermatology
DER 4125
Pediatric Dermatology
DER 4150
Distance Learning Dermatology
DER 5000
Dermatology Independent Study
EID 501
Models of Emerging Infectious Diseases I
EID 502
Models of Emerging Infectious Diseases II
EID 503
Models of Emerging Infectious Diseases III
EID 504
Models of Emerging Infectious Diseases IV
EID 506
Microbial Genetics and Physiology
EID 601
EID Seminar
EID 901
Research in EID
EMSA 1204
Clinical Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
EMSA 1301
Patient Assessment and Airway Management
EMSA 1303
Trauma Management
EMSA 1309
Medical Math
EMSA 1402
Introduction to Advanced Practice
EMSA 2106
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
EMSA 2107
Assessment Based Management
EMSA 2301
Technical Writing
EMSA 2302
Emergency Medical Services Operations
EMSA 2321
Health Care Provider Medical Ethics
EMSA 3332
Communication Skills for Health Care Professionals
EMSP 1401
Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab
EMSP 2109
Clinical II - Paramedic
EMSP 2201
Emergency Pharmacology
EMSP 2210
Practicum - Paramedic
EMSP 2305
Clinical I - Paramedic
EMSP 2308
Special Populations
EMSP 2401
Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab
EMSP 2402
Medical Emergencies
EMSP 2403
ENDF 715
Clinical Endodontics 1
ENDF 717
Periodontics Regeneration Course
ENDF 721
Endodontic Current Literature Review 1
ENDF 722
Endodontic Classic Literature Review 1
ENDF 723
Readings in Endodontics 1
ENDF 730
Growth and Development/Embryology
ENDF 741
Endodontic Supervised Teaching 1
ENDF 750
Endodontic Research
ENDF 790
Introduction to Advanced Endo
ENDF 791
Endo Case Presentation 1
ENDF 792
Contemporary Endodontics 1
ENDF 793
Surgical Endodontics
ENDF 811
Clinical Endodontics 2
ENDF 821
Endo Current Literature Review 2
ENDF 822
Endo Classical Literature Review 2
ENDF 823
Readings in Endo 2
ENDF 830
Pulp Biology and Pain Pharmacology
ENDF 841
Endo Supervised Teaching 2
ENDF 850
Research Manuscript and Thesis Defense
ENDF 891
Endodontic Case Presentation 2
ENDF 892
Contemporary Endodontics 2
ENDR 711
Endodontic Specialty Clinic I
ENDR 720
Introduction to Endodontics
ENDR 721
Endodontic Literature Review I
ENDR 723
Endodontic Clinical Seminar I
ENDR 724
Endodontic Textbook Review I
ENDR 725
Endodontic Microsurgery Techniques I
ENDR 726
Endodontic Consultant Seminar I
ENDR 811
Endodontic Specialty Clinic II
ENDR 821
Endodontic Literature Review II
ENDR 823
Endodontic Clinical Seminar II
ENDR 824
Endodontic Textbook Review II
ENDR 825
Endodontic Microsurgery Techniques II
ENDR 826
Endodontic Consultant Seminar II
ENDR 827
Board Review Course
ENDR 850
Endodontic Research and Scientific Writing
ETAL 2702
Basic ETAL Practicum
ETAL 3803
Advanced ETAL Practicum
FAM 3101
Complementary Medicine / Acupuncture Selective
FAM 3102
Family Medicine Operational Medicine Selective
FAM 3103
Family Medicine Sports Medicine Selective
FAM 3141
Integrative Medicine
FAM 3150
Family Medicine Selective - Community Health
FAM 3200
Family Medicine Clerkship
FAM 4017
Family Medicine - Maternity/Reproductive Health
FAM 4018
Metacognition - Thinking About How You Think
FAM 4071
Family Medicine Operational
FAM 4076
Family Medicine Comprehensive
FAM 4110
Family Medicine Ambulatory
FAM 4130
Family Medicine Sub-Internship
FAM 4140
Sports Medicine
FAM 4141
Family Medicine - Integrative Medicine
FAM 4150
Family Medicine - Community Health
FAM 4160
Family Medicine - Health Equity Elective
FAM 4180
Family Medicine - Complementary Medicine - Acupuncture
FAM 4192
Motivational Interviewing and Behavioral Change
FAM 4201
Clinical Informatics
FAM 5000
Family Medicine Independent Study
GSO 3100
Gynecologic Surgery & Obstetrics Selective
GSO 3200
Gynecologic Surgery & Obstetrics Clerkship
GSO 4006
Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Sub-Internship
GSO 4008
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) or GYN Surgery Sub-Internship
GSO 4009
Labor and Delivery Days and Night Float Sub-Internship
GSO 4014
Gynecologic Surgery & Obstetrics Subspecialty Combo Sub-Internship
GSO 4210
Labor and Delivery Days and Night Float
GSO 4212
Gynecologic Surgery & Obstetrics Subspecialty Combo
GSO 4220
General Gynecologic Surgery & Obstetrics Elective
GSO 4230
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) or GYN Surgery
GSO 4250
Maternal Fetal Medicine
GSO 4270
Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility
GSO 4310
Gynecologic Surgery & Obstetrics Sub-Internship
GSO 4330
Gynecologic Oncology
GSO 4340
Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery (Urogyn)
GSO 4370
Gynecologic Oncology Sub-Internship
GSO 4375
Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery (Urogyn) Sub-Internship
GSO 4380
Advocacy Excellence: Empowering Scholars to Identify, Research, & Champion Their Causes Effectively
GSO 5000
Obstetrics and Gynecology Independent Study
HCB 1101
Introduction to Corpsman Fundamentals
HCB 1203
Clinical Calculations
HCB 1302
Patient Assessment
HCB 2206
Corpsman Operations
HCB 2307
Medical Emergencies
HCB 2404
Anatomy and Physiology I
HCB 2405
Anatomy and Physiology II
HLPY 2105
X-Ray Survey Techniques
HLPY 2205
Mathematical Calculations in Health Physics
HLPY 2206
Radiation Physics
HLPY 2405
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry
HLPY 4405
Operational Health Physics
HLPY 4505
Health Physics
HLS 1101
Introduction to Histotechnology
HLS 1102
Basic Scientific Information
HLS 1103
Specimen Processing for Histological Study
HLS 1204
Routine Technical Procedures
HLS 2107
Autopsy Procedures
HLS 2108
Cytopreparatory Techniques
HLS 2109
HLS 2205
Special Stains for Histologic Study
HLS 2306
Anatomy, Physiology, and Tissue Identification
HLS 3122
Histology Practicum II
HLS 3501
Histology Practicum I
HLS 4503
Histology Practicum III
HLS 4504
Histology Clinical I
HLS 4505
Histology Clinical II
HLS 4506
Histology Clinical III
HPE 400
Master’s Practicum in HPE
HPE 500
Leadership Theories in Practice
HPE 502
Philosophies of Science
HPE 503
Practice of Assessment of Competence
HPE 504
Principles of Instruction in Clinical Settings
HPE 505
Quantitative Research Methods in HPE
HPE 506
Principles of Online Instruction
HPE 507
Qualitative Research Methods in HPE
HPE 550
Learning Theories
HPE 555
Teaching Methods
HPE 560
Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation
HPE 565
Curriculum Development
HPE 600
Research Bootcamp I
HPE 601
Research Bootcamp II
HPE 602
Teaching with Technology
HPE 603
Reflections on Leadership
HPE 604
Rhetoric and Academic Writing Seminar
HPE 605
Mixed Methods
HPE 606
Advanced Mixed Methods
HPE 607
Grant Writing
HPE 608
Meet the Experts
HPE 609
Survey Design
HPE 610
Leadership and Followership in Teams: A Social Psychology Perspective
HPE 611
Accept, Reject, or Revise? Becoming a Reviewer and Author in Health Professions Education
HPE 612
Scholarly Innovation I
HPE 613
Scholarly Innovation II
HPE 614
Principles of Simulation-Based Learning in HPE
HPE 615
AI in Health Professions Education: Implications for Educators and Leaders
HPE 616
Leading with Imagination
HPE 800
Fundamentals of Systems Thinking
HPE 801
Advanced Theories in HPE
HPE 802
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods in HPE
HPE 803
Advanced Quantitative Research Method in HPE
HPE 804
Advanced Instruction and Curriculum Development in HPE
HPE 805
Advanced Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation in HPE
HPE 806
Advanced Principles of Leadership in HPE
HPE 807
Advanced Online Learning and Instruction within HPE
HPE 905
Masters Thesis in HPE
HPE 910
Doctoral Dissertation in HPE
HPE 911
Doctoral Practicum in HPE
HPE 912
Independent Study in HPE
IDO 502
Introduction to Experimental Statistics and Design I
IDO 508
Experimental Statistics and Design II
IDO 512
Graduate Teaching Experience
IDO 520
Special Topics in Statistics
IDO 521
Introduction to AI in Psychological Science
IDO 592
Intermediate Experimental Statistics and Design I
IDO 704
Scientific Ethics and the Responsible Conduct of Research
IDO 601
MD-PhD Longitudinal Clinical Skills
INDS 2396
Independent Study
INDS 3396
Independent Study
MCB 502
Current Research in Molecular and Cellular Biology
MCB 504
Eukaryotic Genetics
MCB 509
Cell Biology
MCB 530
Alteration of Signal Transduction Pathways in Disease
MCB 531
Introduction to Immunology
MCB 532
Directed Studies in Bioinformatics
MCB 601
Seminars in Molecular and Cellular Biology
MCB 701
Tutorial in Molecular and Cellular Biology
MCB 801
Techniques in Cell and Molecular Biology
MCB 901
Research in Molecular and Cellular Biology
MCB 902
Introduction to Research
MCB 1000
Fundamental Concepts and Techniques in Bioengineering
MCO 301
Introduction to Medical Microbiology
MCO 501
Molecular Virology
MCO 502
Pathogenic Bacteriology
MCO 503
Cellular and Molecular Immunology
MCO 506
Advanced Microbial Genetics and Physiology
MCO 601
Frontiers in Microbiology
MCO 602
Molecular Parasitology
MED 3100
Aerospace Medicine Selective
MED 3102
Cardiology Selective
MED 3103
Hematology/Oncology Selective
MED 3104
Sleep Medicine Selective
MED 3105
Infectious Diseases Selective
MED 3106
Endocrinology Selective
MED 3107
Pulmonary Selective
MED 3108
Nephrology Selective
MED 3109
Rheumatology Selective
MED 3200
Medicine Clerkship
MED 3345
General Internal Medicine Selective
MED 4745
Foundations in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare
MED 4345
General Internal Medicine Elective
MED 4390
Palliative Medicine
MED 4400
Cardiology Clinic & Consults
MED 4420
Cardiology Coronary Care Unit (CCU) Sub-Internship
MED 4440
General Medicine Sub-Internship
MED 4460
Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) Sub-Internship
MED 4490
Hematology/Oncology Clinic & Consults
MED 4500
Hematology/Oncology Sub-Internship
MED 4510
Gastroenterology Clinic & Consults
MED 4540
Endocrinology Clinic & Consults
MED 4550
Infectious Disease Clinic & Consults
MED 4560
Nephrology Clinic & Consults
MED 4570
Pulmonary Clinic & Consults
MED 4580
Rheumatology Clinic & Consults
MED 4590
Allergy Clinic & Consults
MED 4591
Sleep Medicine Clinic & Consults
MED 4636
Medical Education Elective
MED 4638
Advanced Lung Disease and Transplant Clinic Elective
MED 4680
Clinical Pharmacology Consults
MED 4690
Geriatric Medicine
MED 4715
Women's Health Clinic
MED 4720
General Medicine Clinics
MED 4740
Safety and Quality
MED 5000
Internal Medicine Independent Study
MEM 3100
Emergency Medicine Selective
MEM 4002
Emergency Medicine Clerkship
MEM 4003
Emergency Medicine Elective
MEM 4150
Pediatric Emergency Medicine
MEM 4805
Military and Operational Space Medicine
MEM 5000
Military & Emergency Medicine Independent Study
MEM 6820
USU Integrated Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Basic Officer Leaders Course
MIL 2001
Military Medicine 100
MIL 4001
Military Medicine 200
MLTS 1101
Introduction to Laboratory Science
MLTS 1206
Urinalysis and Body Fluids
MLTS 1304
Hematology I
MLTS 1305
Hematology II
MLTS 1502
Chemistry for the Medical Laboratory I
MLTS 1503
Chemistry for the Medical Laboratory II
MLTS 1607
Blood Banking
MLTS 2104
Army Field Laboratory Methods
MLTS 2105
Navy Laboratory Methods
MLTS 2201
MLTS 2403
Medical Microbiology II
MLTS 2502
Medical Microbiology I
MLTS 2601
Clinical Practicum I
MLTS 2602
Clinical Practicum II
MLTS 2603
Clinical Practicum III
MLTS 2604
Clinical Practicum IV
MOM 4110
Military Medicine Training
MOM 4120
Military Operational Clinical Experience
MOM 5000
Military Operational Medicine Independent Study
MPO 301
Military Psychology I
MPO 302
Military Psychology II
MPO 303
Stress and Trauma in the Military Context
MPO 404
MPO 405
MPO 410
Art of Psychotherapy
MPO 502
MPO 505
Social and Affective Psychology
MPO 506
Personality Theory
MPO 509
Appetitive Behaviors
MPO 510
MPO 511
MPO 513
Physiological Basis of Behavior
MPO 514
Psychology of Learning
MPO 515
Behavioral Factors in Chronic Disease
MPO 516
Introduction to Epidemiology for Behavioral Scientists
MPO 519
History and Systems of Psychology
MPO 526
MPO 527
Professional Ethics in Psychology
MPO 530
Foundations of Intervention: Group Psychotherapy
MPO 532
Lifespan Development
MPO 533
MPO 534
Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating
MPO 536
Cultural Diversity: Research and Practice
MPO 539
Cognitive Psychology
MPO 541
Brief Psychodynamic Therapy
MPO 543
Foundations of Intervention: Marital and Couples Therapy
MPO 545
Integrative Psychotherapy
MPO 546
Foundations of Psychotherapy
MPO 547
Integrated Primary Care
MPO 550
Advanced Clinical Therapies
MPO 551
Clinical Assessment I
MPO 552
Clinical Assessment II
MPO 553
Clinical Assessment for Adults: Cognitive & Personality III
MPO 561
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
MPO 562
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy II
MPO 563
Clinical Psychophysiology Journal Club
MPO 601
Medical Psychology Seminar
MPO 605
Health Psychology
MPO 610
Dissertation Seminar
MPO 701
Tutorial in Medical Psychology
MPO 801
Special Topics in Med & Clinical Psychology
MPO 803
Special Topics in Medical & Clinical Psychology
MPO 901
Research Methods and Complex Human Experimentation I
MPO 902
Research Methods and Complex Human Experimentation II
MPO 903
Research in Medical Psychology
MPO 999
Dissertation Research
MPO 1000
Physiological Basis of Behavior
MPO 1002
Public Policy in the Context of Military and Federal Health Care
MPO 1003
Advanced Public Policy
N 2001
Moderate Sedation and Analgesia
N 2002
Moderate Sedation & Analgesia (includes rotation)
N 2030
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology & Radiology Part I
N 2003
Moderate Sedation & Analgesia
N 2010
Applied Dental Psychology
N 2020
N 2040
N 2050
Digital Dentistry
N 2060
Topographical Anatomy
N 2070
Laboratory, Surgical Anatomy
N 2080
N 2090
Laboratory, Endodontic Technique
N 2100
Laboratory, Pulp Morphology
N 2110
Seminar, Clinical Endodontics/Pre-Surgical Conference
N 2131
Interdisciplinary Seminars
N 2132
Interdisciplinary Seminar
N 2133
Interdisciplinary Seminars
N 2140
Seminar, Classical Endodontic Literature
N 2150
Seminar, Endodontics Related Specialties
N 2160
Specialty Clinic, Endodontics
N 2170
Specialty Clinic, Comprehensive Dentistry
N 2180
Management of Medical Emergencies
N 2190
Specialty Clinic, Orofacial Pain
N 2200
Seminar of Restorative Dentistry
N 2210
Naval Operational Management
N 2220
Pediatric Dentistry
N 2230
Restorative Implantology
N 2240
N 2250
Operative Dentistry
N 2270
Oral Radiology I
N 2280
N 2290
Oral Radiology II
N 2290
Oral Radiology II
N 2300
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology & Radiology Part I
N 2310
Systemic Disease in Clinical Dentistry
N 2340
Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology I
N 2350
Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology II
N 2360
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
N 2370
Seminar, Special Pathology
N 2380
Perio T-1 Seminars
N 2381
Perio Basic Science Seminars
N 2382
Perio Basic Science Seminars
N 2383
Perio Basic Science Seminars
N 2390
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
N 2400
N 2410
N 2421
Oral and Mock Board Examinations
N 2422
Oral and Mock Board Examinations
N 2423
Oral and Mock Board Examinations
N 2451
Periodontal Literature Review
N 2452
Periodontal Literature Review
N 2453
Periodontal Literature Review
N 2460
Surgical Implantology
N 2481
Specialty Clinic, Periodontics
N 2482
Specialty Clinic, Periodontics
N 2483
Specialty Clinics, Periodontics
N 2490
Nitrous Oxide
N 2501
Independent Study in Special Topics
N 2502
Independent Study in Special Topics
N 2510
Clinic and Lab Assignments, Prosthodontics
N 2520
Complete Dentures
N 2530
Fixed Prosthodontics
N 2540
Comprehensive Dentistry Removable Prosthodontics
N 2560
N 2570
Seminar, Prosthodontics/Endodontics
N 2590
Removable Partial Dentures
N 2600
Advanced Complete Dentures
N 2610
Advanced Fixed Prosthodontics
N 2630
Research Methods I
N 2641
Research Project
N 2642
Research Project
N 2650
Seminar, Current Endodontic Literature
N 2660
Prosthodontic Oral Board I
N 2710
Advanced Removable Partial Dentures
N 2730
Current Pain Literature Seminar I
N 2740
General Pathology
N 2760
Orofacial Pain Concepts Seminar I
N 2771
Topics in Periodontal and Implant Therapy Seminars
N 2772
Topics in Periodontal and Implant Therapy Seminars
N 2773
Topics in Periodontal and Implant Therapy Seminars
N 2780
Orofacial Pain Grand Rounds
N 2790
Seminar, Operative Dentistry
N 2810
Forensic Dentistry
N 2840
Oral Medicine/Clinical Oral Diagnosis
N 2850
Orofacial Pain
N 2860
Seminar, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
N 2880
General Dentistry Sick Call Rotation
N 2890
Seminar, Special Clinical, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Topics
N 2900
Introduction to Basic Histopathology Techniques, Special Proc and Lab Management
N 2910
Occlusion (Prosthodontics)
N 2921
Speech Pathology
N 2922
Speech Pathology
N 2930
Prosthodontics Conference, Guest Seminarians
N 3010
Rotation, WRNMMC, Bethesda
N 3020
Seminar, Clinical Endodontic/Presurgical Conference
N 3030
Seminar, Endodontics Classical Literature
N 3040
Seminar, Endodontics/Related Specialties
N 3050
Specialty Clinic, Endodontics
N 3070
Seminar, Endodontic Surgical Oral Pathology
N 3080
Teaching, Endodontics
N 3090
Laboratory, Surgical Anatomy
N 3110
N 3120
Seminar, Orthodontics I
N 3130
Seminar, Orthodontics II
N 3140
Oral Surgery Rotation
N 3150
Pediatric Dentistry Rotation
N 3170
Seminar, Occlusion
N 3180
Seminar, Restorative Dentistry
N 3190
Specialty Clinic, Comprehensive Dentistry
N 3200
Teaching, Comprehensive Dentistry
N 3230
Orofacial Pain Rotation
N 3240
General Dentistry Sick Call Rotation
N 3250
Seminar, Periodontics
N 3260
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Short Course
N 3310
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology & Radiology Part II
N 3321
Surgical Oral Pathology
N 3322
Surgical Oral Pathology
N 3401
Specialty Clinic, Orofacial Pain
N 3402
Specialty Clinic, Orofacial Pain
N 3411
Teaching Periodontology
N 3412
Teaching Periodontology
N 3413
Teaching Periodontology
N 3417
Periodontal Surgery and Implantology Course
N 3421
Advanced Clinic and Lab: Prosthodontics
N 3422
Advanced Clinic, Prosthodontics
N 3441
Maxillofacial Prosthetics
N 3442
Maxillofacial Prosthetics
N 3450
Oral Boards II
N 3470
Prosthodontics Conference, Guest Seminarians
N 3490
Cleft Palate Conferences, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
N 3511
Seminar, Prosthodontics Literature
N 3512
Seminar, Prosthodontic Literature
N 3513
Seminar, Prosthodontic Literature
N 3521
Seminar, Prosthodontics/Periodontics
N 3522
Seminar, Prosthodontics/Periodontics
N 3523
Seminar, Prosthodontics/Periodontics
N 3531
Treatment Rendered Seminar
N 3532
Treatment Rendered Seminar
N 3541
Teaching, Prosthodontics
N 3542
Teaching, Prosthodontics
N 3550
Research Methods II
N 3561
Seminar, Treatment Planning
N 3562
Seminar, Treatment Planning
N 3563
Seminar, Treatment Planning
N 3580
Seminar, Orofacial Pain
N 3590
Seminar, Prosthodontics
N 3600
Oral Medicine Seminar
N 3610
Seminar, Advanced Surgical, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Topics
N 3621
Seminar, Prosthodontics/Oral Surgery
N 3622
Seminar, Prosthodontics/Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
N 3623
Seminar, Prosthodontics/Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
N 3631
Dental Implantology, Patient Presentations
N 3632
Dental Implantology, Patient Presentations
N 3640
Seminar, Current Endodontics Literature
N 3651
Seminar, Comprehensive Dentistry
N 3652
Seminar, Comprehensive Dentistry
N 3660
Specialty Clinic, Orofacial Pain
N 3670
Seminar, Comprehensive Dentistry ABGD Preparation
N 3681
Seminar, Comprehensive Dentistry ABGD Board Examination
N 3682
Seminar, Comprehensive Dentistry ABGD Board Examination
N 3690
Research Project
N 3691
Research Project
N 3710
Dental Administration Management
N 3721
Special Topics in Osseointegration I
N 3722
Special Topics in Osseointegration II
N 3723
Special Topics in Osseointegration III
N 3724
Special Topics in Osseointegration IV
N 3760
Seminar, Orofacial Pain Concepts II
N 3810
Seminar, Current Pain Literature II
N 3820
Seminar, Orofacial Pain Grand Rounds II
N 3830
Orofacial Pain Specialty Rotations
N 3930
Prosthodontic Conference, Guest Seminarians
N 3940
General Pathology Rotations
N 4000
Maxillofacial Clinical Prosthetics
N 4010
Cleft Palate Conferences
N 4020
Consultant Lectures and Seminars
N 4030
Continuing Education Courses and Observerships
N 4040
Head and Neck Surgery Observership
N 4050
Head and Neck Tumor Board
N 4060
Seminar, Patient Presentation (Maxillofacial Prosthetics)
N 4070
Seminar, Maxillofacial Prosthetics Literature
N 4090
Teaching, Maxillofacial Prosthetics
N 4100
Maxillofacial Prosthetics Laboratory Procedures
N 4200
Prosthodontic Oral Boards III
N 4400
Specialty Clinic, Orofacial Pain
N 4760
Seminar, Orofacial Pain Concepts III
N 4810
Seminar, Orofacial Pain Literature III
N 4820
Seminar, Orofacial Pain Grand Rounds III
N 4940
Joint Pathology Center Rotation
NDTS 1301
Fundamentals of Neurodiagnostics
NDTS 2101
Neuroanatomy and Physiology
NDTS 2104
Neurodiagnostic Technology Science II
NDTS 2202
Intermediate Neurodiagnostics
NDTS 2307
NDTS 2405
Evoked Potentials
NDTS 2503
Neurodiagnostic Technology Science I
NDTS 2506
Nerve Conduction/Electromyography
NDTS 2901
Neurodiagnostic Clinical Practicum I
NDTS 2902
Neurodiagnostic Clinical Practicum II
NEU 3100
Adult Neurology Clerkship
NEU 3110
Child Neurology Clerkship
NEU 4100
Adult Neurology Clerkship
NEU 4110
Child Neurology Clerkship
NEU 4121
Neurology Sub-Internship
NEU 4205
Neurology Elective
NEU 5000
Neurology Independent Study
NMTS 3113
Nuclear Medicine Clinical Management
NMTS 3203
Radiation Safety
NMTS 3305
Radiation Biology and Pharmacology
NMTS 3401
Applied Technical Mathematics
NMTS 3402
Applied Nuclear Physics and Chemistry
NMTS 3604
Radiation Instrumentation
NMTS 4107
Radiation Safety Administration and Senior Rotation
NMTS 4124
Diagnostic Imaging I
NMTS 4125
Diagnostic Imaging II
NMTS 4201
Advanced Radionuclear Procedures, Therapy and Imaging
NMTS 4303
Healthcare Administration and Patient Care
NMTS 4402
Advanced Diagnostic Procedures
NMTS 4906
Radiopharmacy, Nuclear Laboratory, and Therapy Procedures
NSO 505
Thinking Beyond Neuroscience: The Neurobiology of Disease Seen in the Bigger Picture
NSO 506
Introduction to Neuroscience
NSO 507
Neurobiology of Disease
NSO 508
Neuroscience Journal Club
NSO 509
Neuroscience Journal Club Presentation
NSO 510
Introduction to Developmental Neurobiology
NSO 511
Directed Studies in Advanced Statistics
NSO 512
Statistics in Neuroscience
NSO 520
Molecular Basis of Nervous System Function
NSO 530
Behavioral Neurobiology
NSO 531
Principles of Neurophysiology
NSO 601
Neuroscience Seminar
NSO 701
Neuroscience Senior Student Seminar
NSO 802
Advanced Topics and Techniques in Neuroscience
NSO 901
Neuroscience Dissertation Research
NSO 903
Neurobiology of Traumatic Brain Injury
NSO 904
Grant Writing for Graduate Students
NSO 905
NSO 906
Elements of Seminar Presentation
NURS 5110
Advanced Health Assessment
NURS 5111
Advanced Anatomy
NURS 5112
Advanced Physiology
NURS 5120
Global Perspectives Seminar in Complex Healthcare Systems I
NURS 5121
Advanced Pathophysiology
NURS 5122
Advanced Pharmacology
NURS 5130
Global Perspectives Seminar in Complex Healthcare Systems II
NURS 5131
Inquiry into Statistical Methods, Evidence Based Practice and Scholarship
NURS 5132
Integrative Medicine Methodologies
NURS 5133
Trauma & Combat Casualty Care
NURS 5134
Healthcare Informatics
NURS 5220
Translation of Evidence for Health Care Practice, Policy, and Evaluation
NURS 5330
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project
NURS 5400
Operational Readiness: Dive Medicine and Water Rescue
NURS 5401
Operational Readiness: Military Mountain Medicine (M3C)
NURS 5402
Operational Readiness: Military Cold Weather/Avalanche
NURS 5403
Operational Readiness: Directed Study
NURS 5404
Operational Readiness: Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT)
NURS 5405
Operational Readiness: Transitions of Care
NURS 5406
Operational Readiness: Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties (MMCBC)
NURS 5407
Operational Readiness: Military Humanitarian and Civic Assistance
NURS 5408
Interdisciplinary Health Policy
NURS 5409
Directed Study: Introduction to Nursing Academia
NURS 5530
Family Theory for the APRN
NURS 5630
Response to (Military) Sexual Assault
NURS 5710
Doctor of Nursing Practice Practicum & Seminar in NP Practice I
NURS 5720
Doctor of Nursing Practice Practicum & Seminar in NP Practice II
NURS 5730
Doctor of Nursing Practice Practicum & Seminar in NP Practice III
NURS 6121
Principles in Outcomes Management for CNS Practice
NURS 6131
CNS Role Application Across the 3 Spheres of Influence
NURS 6132
Business Administration for High Reliability Healthcare Organizations
NURS 6210
Medical Facility Design: Maximizing Patient Outcomes
NURS 6211
Trauma Management in CNS Practice
NURS 6212
Advanced Diagnosis and Management in Adult-Geriatric Acute Care
NURS 6220
Performance Metrics in Outcomes Management
NURS 6222
Practicum for CNS Practice I: Advanced Concepts for CNS Independent Practice
NURS 6230
Practicum for CNS Practice II: Advanced Concepts for CNS Independent Practice
NURS 6231
DNP Practicum for CNS Practice II: Systems Assessment for High Reliability Organizations
NURS 6310
DNP Practicum for CNS Practice III: Strategic Planning in Healthcare
NURS 6320
DNP Practicum for CNS Practice IV: Capstone Immersion for CNS Independent Practice
NURS 6510
Advanced Diagnosis and Management in Adult Primary Care
NURS 6511
Essentials of Gynecologic Health
NURS 6512
Advanced Diagnosis & Management in Pediatric Primary Care
NURS 6610
Advanced Diagnosis & Management in Embryology, Gynecology & Obstetrical Care
NURS 6611
Fundamentals of Advanced Clinical Practice
NURS 6612
Advanced Assessment and Diagnosis in Management of the Older Adult
NURS 6613
Drugs in Pregnancy & Lactation
NURS 6620
Operational & Medical Readiness in a Changing Global Environment
NURS 6621
Application of Advanced Diagnostic & Therapeutic Approaches
NURS 6622
Military Contingency Medicine/Operation Bushmaster
NURS 6630
Application & Integration of Advanced Clinical Concepts
NURS 7120
Foundations of Advance Practice Psychiatric Nursing
NURS 7121
Psychopharmacology I
NURS 7130
Advanced Diagnosis of Mental Disorders Across the Lifespan
NURS 7131
Psychopharmacology II
NURS 7210
Therapeutic Modalities
NURS 7211
Psychopharmacology III
NURS 7222
Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders Across the Lifespan
NURS 7225
Military Behavioral Health for Advanced Practice Nurse
NURS 7230
Applied Concepts for Advanced Psychiatric Nursing
NURS 7512
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
NURS 7602
Applied Biochemistry for Nurse Anesthetists
NURS 7605
Principles of Anesthesia I
NURS 7606
Principles of Anesthesia II
NURS 7607
Principles of Regional Anesthesia and Vascular Access
NURS 7608
Principles of Anesthesia III
NURS 7610
Acute and Chronic Pain Science and Practice
NURS 7801
DNP-Clinical Practicum and Seminar for Nurse Anesthesia Practice I
NURS 7802
DNP-Clinical Practicum and Seminar for Nurse Anesthesia Practice II
NURS 7803
DNP-Clinical Practicum and Seminar for Nurse Anesthesia Practice III
NURS 7804
DNP-Clinical Practicum and Seminar for Nurse Anesthesia Practice IV
NURS 7805
DNP-Clinical Practicum and Seminar for Nurse Anesthesia Practice V
NURS 7806
DNP-Clinical Practicum and Seminar for Nurse Anesthesia Practice VI
NURS 8815
Philosophy of Science
NURS 8816
Conceptual Frameworks/Theoretical Models for Federal and Military Health Care
NURS 8818
Bioethical Issues in Research
NURS 8827
Research and Scholarship Practicum
NURS 8828
Research and Scholarship Residency
NURS 8829
Measurement in Nursing and Healthcare Research
NURS 8834
Mixed Methods Research
NURS 8838
Qualitative Research Methods
NURS 8839
Quantitative Research Methods
NURS 8852
Military Women in Contemporary Society
NURS 8858
Qualitative Research Methods II
NURS 8875
Data Science for Medicine and Healthcare
NURS 8876
Precision Health and Omics
NURS 8882
Proposal Development and Grantsmanship
NURS 8885
Principles of Scholarly Writing
NURS 8891
Directed Study
NURS 8902
Dissertation Proposal Defense
NURS 8903
Dissertation Defense
NURS 8911
Dissertation Seminar
NURS 8912
Dissertation Research
NUTR 1101
Introduction to Nutrition
NUTR 1203
Applications in Human Nutrition
NUTR 1302
Human Nutrition
NUTR 1304
Food Productions
NUTR 2204
Nutrition for Performance Optimization
NUTR 2205
Army Nutrition Field Operations
NUTR 2305
Nutrition Operations
OPHT 1102
Ocular Pathology, Trauma, and Pharmacology
OPHT 1201
Introduction to Ophthalmic Care, Ocular Anatomy and Physiology
OPHT 1203
OPHT 2101
Introduction to Ophthalmic Surgery
OPHT 2104
Operational Ophthalmic Care
OPHT 2502
Fundamentals of Patient Screening and Ancillary Testing
OPHT 2703
Ophthalmic Clinical Practicum (Army)
OPHT 2713
Ophthalmic Clinical Practicum (Air Force)
OPTS 1305
Geometric Optics
OPTS 1309
Ophthalmic Laboratory I
OPTS 1311
The Visual System
OPTS 1349
Ophthalmic Laboratory II
OPTS 1401
Ophthalmic Dispensing
OPTS 2201
Ophthalmic Techniques
OPTS 2202
Introduction to Optometry in an Applied Setting
OPTS 2303
Optical Laboratory
OPTS 2304
Optical Clinical Practicum
OPTS 2345
Advanced Ophthalmic Techniques
OPMS 5000
Leadership and Teamwork in the Health Professions: A Military Perspective
OPMS 5003
Leadership and Teamwork in the Biomedical Sciences and Public Health Professions
ORPT 711
Clinical Orthodontics I
ORPT 712
Surgical Orthodontics
ORPT 722
Classic Literature Review I
ORPT 730
Growth and Development
ORPT 731
Craniofacial Anomalies I
ORPT 741
Dentofacial Deformities Board I
ORPT 742
Craniofacial Anomalies Board I
ORPT 750
Research I
ORPT 773
Cephalometrics and Radiology
ORPT 790
Introduction to Orthodontics
ORPT 791
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning I
ORPT 792
Orthodontic and Orthopedic Appliance Design
ORPT 793
Biomechanical Principles
ORPT 794
Dentofacial Orthopedics
ORPT 795
Comparative Orthodontics
ORPT 796
Principles of Occlusion
ORPT 797
Contemporary Orthodontics
ORPT 798
Clear Aligner Therapy
ORPT 811
Clinical Orthodontics II
ORPT 821
Current Literature Review
ORPT 830
Head and Neck Anatomy
ORPT 831
Craniofacial Anomalies II
ORPT 841
Dentofacial Deformities Board II
ORPT 842
Craniofacial Anomalies Board II
ORPT 850
Research II
ORPT 860
Risk Management/Ethics
ORPT 891
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning II
ORPT 892
Contemporary Treatment of Dentofacial Deformities
ORPT 893
Orthodontic Principles and Techniques (Graber)
OTA 1201
Fundamentals of Occupational Therapy
OTA 2100
Situational Training Exercise
OTA 2209
Occupational Therapy Assistant Fieldwork
OTA 2305
Client Conditions
OTA 2402
Human Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology
OTA 2403
Client Evaluations and Assessment
OTA 2408
Clinical Analysis and Reasoning Skills
OTA 2604
Clinical Interventions
OTA 2991
Occupational Therapy Assistant Clinical Practicum I
OTA 2992
Occupational Therapy Assistant Clinical Practicum II
PAO 520
PAT 3100
Pathology Selective
PAT 4100
Pathology Elective
PAT 5000
Pathology Independent Study
PED 3100
Pediatrics Specialty Selective
PED 3200
Pediatrics Clerkship
PED 4038
Newborn Service Sub-Internship
PED 4224
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
PED 4225
Multi-Specialty Pediatrics
PED 4238
Child Advocacy/Child Abuse and Neglect
PED 4300
Adolescent Medicine
PED 4310
Ambulatory Pediatric Clinic
PED 4330
Developmental Pediatrics
PED 4380
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
PED 4381
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Sub-Internship
PED 4430
Pediatric Cardiology
PED 4450
Pediatric Endocrinology
PED 4460
Pediatric Gastroenterology
PED 4470
Pediatric Genetics
PED 4480
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
PED 4490
Pediatric Infectious Disease
PED 4510
Pediatric Nephrology
PED 4520
Pediatric Neurology
PED 4543
Introduction to Pediatric Residency
PED 4610
Pediatric Pulmonology
PED 4631
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Sub-Internship
PED 4632
Pediatric Ward Sub-Internship
PED 4660
Well Baby Nursery/Newborn Service
PED 4665
Forward Operating Pediatrics
PED 4670
Pediatric Ward
PED 4700
Pediatric Inpatient Sub-Internship
PED 5000
Pediatrics Independent Study
PED 8000
Advanced Pediatrics
PERF 711
Dental Implantology
PERF 712
Surgical Anatomy
PERF 719
Anesthesiology Rotation
PERF 720
Literature Seminar 1
PERF 733
Physical Diagnosis
PERF 750
Research 1-1
PERF 771
Clinical Periodontics 1-1
PERF 772
Oral Histopathology
PERF 790
Introduction to Clinical Periodontics
PERF 791
Basic Concepts in Periodontics 1-1
PERF 792
Periodontics Lecture Series 1-1
PERF 793
Treatment Planning Seminar 1
PERF 811
Clinical Periodontics 2
PERF 812
Advanced and Surgical Implantology
PERF 820
Classic Literature Seminar 2-1
PERF 831
Pharmacology 2
PERF 841
Supervised Teaching
PERF 850
Research 2
PERF 871
Oral Medicine Seminar 2-1
PERF 893
Treatment Planning Seminar 2
PERF 911
Clinical Periodontics 3
PERF 920
Literature Seminar 3
PERF 931
Dental Pharmacology 3
PERF 941
Supervised Teaching
PERF 950
Research 3
PERF 971
Oral Medicine Seminar 3
PERF 993
Treatment Planning Seminar 3
PERR 711
Clinical Rotation I
PERR 719
Hospital Rotation Course
PERR 720
Residency Orientation Seminar I
PERR 721
Periodontal Literature Review I
PERR 723
Periodontics Case Review I
PERR 726
Periodontics Consultant Seminar I
PERR 732
Physical Diagnosis Course
PERR 742
Medically Compromised Management Seminar I
PERR 746
Minimal & Moderate Sedation Course I
PERR 750
Periodontal Research and Scientific Writing I
PERR 752
Research Seminar I
PERR 811
Clinical Rotation II
PERR 820
Residency Orientation Seminar II
PERR 821
Periodontal Literature Review II
PERR 823
Periodontics Case Review II
PERR 826
Periodontics Consultant Seminar II
PERR 829
Glenn Maze Symposium I
PERR 842
Medically Compromised Management Seminar II
PERR 846
Minimal & Moderate Sedation Course II
PERR 850
Periodontal Research and Scientific Writing II
PERR 852
Research Seminar II
PERR 911
Clinical Rotation III
PERR 920
Residency Orientation Seminar III
PERR 921
Periodontal Literature Review III
PERR 923
Periodontics Case Review III
PERR 926
Periodontics Consultant Seminar III
PERR 928
ABP Mock Board Course II
PERR 929
Glenn Maze Symposium II
PERR 942
Medically Compromised Management Seminar III
PERR 946
Minimal & Moderate Sedation Course III
PERR 950
Periodontal Research and Scientific Writing III
PERR 952
Research Seminar III
PHD 794
PHD 833
Analytic Approaches to Data Analysis and Interpretation
PHO 514
Principles of Pharmacology
PHO 515
Molecular Pharmacology
PHO 516
PHRA 1201
Introduction to Pharmacy
PHRA 1249
Institutional Pharmacy Practice
PHRA 1301
Pharmacology I
PHRA 1302
Pharmacology II
PHRA 1309
Pharmaceutical Mathematics
PHRA 1345
Compounding Sterile Preparations
PHRA 1413
Community Pharmacy Practice
PHRA 1469
Pharmacy Practicum I
PHRA 2101
Extemporaneous Compounding (Non-Sterile)
PHRA 2201
Advanced Pharmacy Practice
PHRA 2469
Pharmacy Practicum II
PMB 4100
Aerospace Medicine
PMB 4170
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
PMB 4180
Preventive Medicine
PMB 4200
Tropical Medicine
PMB 4270
MHS By the Numbers: Diagnosing & Managing the Readiness of Populations
PMB 5000
Preventive Medicine Independent Study
PMO 103
Fundamentals of Healthcare Finance
PMO 401
Fundamentals of Scholarly Skills
PMO 501
Health Services Research and Analytics Using Excel
PMO 502
Introduction to SAS
PMO 503
Biostatistics I
PMO 504
Biostatistics II
PMO 505
Microcomputer Applications
PMO 506
Introduction to Stata
PMO 508
Biostatistics III
PMO 511
Introduction to Epidemiology
PMO 512
Epidemiologic Methods
PMO 513
Advanced Epidemiologic Methods
PMO 514
Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Diseases
PMO 515
Chronic Disease Epidemiology and Control
PMO 516
Analytic Approaches to Data Analysis and Interpretation
PMO 519
Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology
PMO 522
PMO 523
Fundamentals of U.S. Health Policy
PMO 526
Health Systems
PMO 527
Principles of Health Care Management
PMO 528
Foundations in Global Health
PMO 529
Health Care Financial Management
PMO 530
Social and Behavioral Sciences Applied to Public Health
PMO 531
Program Planning and Development
PMO 533
Decision Making in Health Services
PMO 534
Medical Anthropology
PMO 535
Health Care Law
PMO 540
Introduction to Environmental and Occupational Health
PMO 541
Advanced Environmental Health
PMO 542
Clinical Occupational and Environmental Medicine
PMO 547
Joint Health Operations
PMO 549
Principles of Toxicology
PMO 550
Industrial Hygiene I And Laboratory
PMO 552
Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures
PMO 553
Industrial Hygiene Field Studies
PMO 555
Industrial Ventilation
PMO 558
Fundamentals of Clinical Occupational Environmental and Preventive Medicine
PMO 560
Principles and Practice of Tropical Medicine
PMO 561
Medical Parasitology
PMO 563
Tropical Medicine Practicum
PMO 564
Epidemiology and Control of Arboviruses
PMO 565
Vector Biology
PMO 566
Vector Physiology
PMO 567
Medical Entomology
PMO 568
Medical Acarology
PMO 569
Malaria Epidemiology and Control
PMO 570
Laboratory Methods Applied to Vector Biology
PMO 571
Biosystematics of Disease Vectors
PMO 573
Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
PMO 576
Human Resource Management in Health Care
PMO 577
Introduction to Biogeography in Public Health
PMO 582
Radiation Biology
PMO 584
Introduction to Health Physics
PMO 592
Health Care Information Technology
PMO 595
Introduction to Complex Sample Survey Analysis
PMO 598
Introduction to Healthcare Economics
PMO 599
Introduction to Risk Communication
PMO 600
Fundamentals of Human Physiology for Public Health
PMO 677
Advanced Research Methods in Public Health
PMO 601
Environmental Health Risk Assessment
PMO 602
Air Pollution and Waste Management
PMO 604
Hydrology, Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment
PMO 605
Analytical Instrumentation Methodologies in Environmental Health
PMO 607
Environmental Chemistry
PMO 608
Doctoral Student Seminar
PMO 610
General Entomology
PMO 613
Public Health Issues of Disasters
PMO 614
Tropical Medicine Rounds
PMO 615
Sand Flies and Disease
PMO 631
Occupational and Environmental Health Journal Club
PMO 642
Clinical Preventive Services and Selected Topics in Occupational Health
PMO 651
Human Factors Engineering
PMO 652
Occupational Ergonomics
PMO 654
Safety Engineering
PMO 655
Current Issues in Safety and Injury Prevention (Seminar)
PMO 661
Current Topics in Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics
PMO 682
History of Preventive Medicine
PMO 634
Public Health Surveillance
PMO 670
Public Health Practicum
PMO 671
Introduction to MPH Project and Practicum
PMO 672
MPH Project/Practicum Design and Development
PMO 673
MPH Project/Practicum Implementation and Evaluation
PMO 677
Advanced Research Methods in Public Health
PMO 674
MPH Independent Project
PMO 675
Doctoral Student Practicum in Public Health
PMO 680
Introduction to Public Health
PMO 683
Critical Reading Seminar
PMO 684
Clinical Research Seminar
PMO 688
Information Gathering in Clinical Medicine
PMO 691
Teaching Practicum
PMO 701
Advanced Biometrics Tutorial
PMO 760
Tropical Medicine Research Tutorial
PMO 763
Tutorial in Vector Biology and Parasitology
PMO 764
Tutorial in Aquatic Biology
PMO 810
Integrated Pest & Vector Management
PMO 811
Independent Study in Public Health
PMO 830
Independent Study in Social & Behavioral Sciences
PMO 841
Aerospace Operational Physiology I
PMO 845
Human Factors in Aviation
PMO 848
Special Topics in Aerospace Medicine
PMO 862
Independent Study in Global Heath (IDS)
PMO 900
Introduction to Clinical Trials
PMO 953
Special Topics in EOH Practice 1
PMO 911
Directed Research in Epidemiology
PMO 926
Health Services Administration Directed Research
PMO 940
Environmental/Occupational Health Directed Studies
PMO 941
Environmental/Occupational Health Directed Research
PMO 942
Environmental/Occupational Health Directed Rotations
PMO 950
Foundations for EOH Studies
PMO 951
Fundamentals of EOH Research
PMO 952
EOH Professional and Research Ethics
PMO 954
Written and Oral Communication for the EOH Professional 1
PMO 955
Written and Oral Communication for the EOH Professional 2
PMO 956
Special Topics in EOH Practice 2
PMO 963
Directed Field Research
PMO 964
Research in Vector Biology and/or Parasitology
PMO 970
Directed Studies in Preventive Medicine
PMO 971
PMB Doctoral Student Journal Club
PMO 973
Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) Journal Club
PMO 974
General Preventive Medicine (GPM) Journal Club
PMO 990
Travel Medicine
PMO 996
Clinical Trial Design & Analysis
PMO 997
Field Epidemiology
PMO 998
Foundations of Leadership
PMO 992
Travel Clinic Practicum
PMO 1005
Strategic Planning and Marketing for Health Care Systems
PMO 1007
Advanced Seminar in Global Health Policy and Planning
PMO 1008
Independent Study in GIS
PMO 1009
Domestic Disaster Management and Response
PMO 1010
Diversity and Leadership
PMO 1011
Quantitative Analysis of Health Policies and Programs I
PMO 1012
Quantitative Analysis of Health Policies and Programs II
PMO 1015
MHAP Residency
PMO 1016
Infectious Diseases of Public Health Importance
PMO 1017
Health Context Analysis
PMO 1021
Occupational Noise Control
PMO 1024
The Constitution; Public Health and the Body Politic
PMO 1026
Current Issues in Health Care Administration and Policy
PMO 1027
Managerial Epidemiology
PMO 1028
Introduction to Machine Learning
PMO 1029
Occupational Noise Control (Distributed Learning)
PMO 1030
Introduction to Data Management
PMO 1032
Practical Monitoring and Evaluation
PMO 1033
Accreditation for Health Systems Leaders and Executives
PMO 1034
Patient Safety for Health Systems Leaders and Executives
PMO 1035
MHAP Program Capstone
PMO 1036
Global Health Seminar
PMO 1037
DoD Global Health Engagement
PMR 3100
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clerkship
PMR 4215
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
PMR 4250
Arts, Health and Well-Being
PMR 5000
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Independent Study
PRC 1001
Foundation in Medicine Module
PRC 2001
Musculoskeletal and Integument Module
PRC 2002
Cardiopulmonary-Renal Module
PRC 2003
Neuroscience and Behavior Module
PRC 2004
Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary, Hematologic, Metabolism and Nutrition Module
PRC 2005
Reproduction and Endocrinology Module
PRC 2006
Multi-System and Complex Diseases Module
PRC 2100
Clinical Skills Development Module
PROF 711
Advanced and Surgical Implantology
PROF 714
Clinical Prosthodontics 1
PROF 720
Literature Seminar 1
PROF 730
Growth and Development/Embryology
PROF 741
Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning
PROF 750
Research 1
PROF 780
Introduction to Military Officership
PROF 790
Complete Denture Prosthodontics
PROF 791
Implant Prosthodontics
PROF 792
Removable Partial Prosthodontics
PROF 793
Fixed Prosthodontics
PROF 794
Esthetics in Fixed Prosthodontics
PROF 795
Dynamic Articulation
PROF 796
Dental Laboratory Competency
PROF 797
Dental Materials Technology
PROF 814
Clinical Prosthodontics 2
PROF 820
Literature Seminar 2
PROF 850
Research 2
PROF 890
Maxillofacial Prosthetics
PROF 914
Clinical Prosthodontics 3
PROF 920
Literature Seminar 3
PROF 950
PROR 711
Clinical Prosthodontics I
PROR 721
Prosthodontics Literature Review I
PROR 724
Introduction to Fixed Prosthodontics
PROR 725
Introduction to Complete Denture I
PROR 726
Introduction to Prosthodontic Laboratory Techniques
PROR 727
Principles and Design of Removable Partial Dental Prostheses I
PROR 728
Maxillofacial Prosthetics I
PROR 746
Introduction to Digital Dentistry Technology
PROR 748
Dental Materials
PROR 749
Digital Dentistry Technology I
PROR 811
Clinical Prosthodontics II
PROR 821
Prosthodontic Literature Review II
PROR 826
Concepts of Occlusion and Articulators
PROR 828
Maxillofacial Prosthetics II
PROR 845
Introduction to Complete Dentures II
PROR 847
Principles & Design of Removable Partial Dental Prostheses II
PROR 848
Treatment Planning Board
PROR 849
Digital Dental Technology II
PROR 850
Prosthodontic Research and Scientific Writing I
PROR 911
Clinical Prosthodontics III
PROR 921
Prosthodontic Literature Review III
PROR 949
Digital Dental Technology III
PROR 950
Prosthodontic Research & Scientific Writing II
PSY 3101
Child and Adolescent Outpatient Psychiatry Selective
PSY 3102
Neuropsychiatry Selective
PSY 3103
Addictions Selective
PSY 3104
Outpatient Psychiatry Selective
PSY 3105
Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry
PSY 3200
Psychiatry Clerkship
PSY 3345
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)/Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Selective
PSY 3430
Forensic Psychiatry Selective
PSY 3510
Military Community Psychiatry
PSY 4105
Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry Elective
PSY 4170
Hospice/Palliative Care
PSY 4310
Child and Adolescent Outpatient Psychiatry Elective
PSY 4320
Inpatient Psychiatry Elective
PSY 4330
Outpatient Psychiatry Elective
PSY 4340
Consult/Liaison Psychiatry Elective
PSY 4345
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)/Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) Elective
PSY 4350
Psychiatry Sub-Internship
PSY 4370
Substance Abuse
PSY 4430
Forensic Psychiatry Elective
PSY 4400
Ethics, Legal Aspects of Medical Care
PSY 4490
Neuropsychiatry Elective
PSY 4510
Military Community Psychiatry
PSY 4520
Telepsychiatry Elective
PSY 5000
Psychiatry Independent Study
PVNT 1201
Introduction to Public Health - Army
PVNT 1302
Aspects of Food Safety with Risk Communication
PVNT 2201
Microbiology - Navy
PVNT 2502
Introduction to Epidemiology and Biostatistics - Navy
PVNT 3202
Operational Preventive Medicine
PVNT 3204
Parasitology - Navy
PVNT 3206
Shipboard Environmental Health - Navy
PVNT 3301
Occupational and Environmental Health Surveillance - Army
PVNT 3302
Occupational and Environmental Health Surveillance - Navy
PVNT 3303
Public Health Program Administration - Navy
PVNT 3305
Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety - Navy
PVNT 3403
Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety - Army
PVNT 4401
Water Quality in Environmental Health (Consolidated)
PVNT 4502
Integrated Pest Management (Consolidated)
RAD 3100
Radiology Selective
RAD 4100
Diagnostic Radiology
RAD 4200
Interventional Radiology
RAD 4300
Radiation Oncology
RAD 5000
Radiology Independent Study
RADT 1101
Introduction to Radiology
RADT 1109
The Radiology Technologist in the US Air Force
RADT 1302
Principles of Radiographic Imaging with Lab
RADT 1509
Basics of Patient Care
RADT 2207
Radiographic Procedures of the Thorax and Abdomen with Lab
RADT 2301
Anatomy and Physiology for the Radiology Technologist
RADT 2302
Calculations in Radiation, Physics, Biology and Protection
RADT 2308
Ethical Considerations for the Radiologic Technologist
RADT 2407
Advanced Medical Imaging with Lab
RADT 2505
Radiographic Procedures of the Extremities with Lab
RADT 2506
Radiographic Procedures of the Skull and Spine with Lab
RADT 2901
Clinical Practicum I
RADT 2902
Clinical Practicum II
RADT 2903
Clinical Practicum III
RHT 2201
Radiological Calculations
RHT 2303
Radiation Biology and Medical Surveillance Programs
RHT 2304
Radioactive Decontamination and Casualty Response
RHT 2305
Radiation Protection and Program Administration
RHT 2402
Fundamentals of Nuclear and Radiation Physics
DSAE 1240
Diagnostic Electrocardiography
RSPT 1109
CPR for Healthcare Providers
RSPT 1123
Respiratory Therapeutics II
RSPT 1201
Respiratory Care
RSPT 1202
Anatomy and Physiology
RSPT 1307
Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology
RSPT 1311
Respiratory Care Procedures II
RSPT 2131
Simulations in Respiratory Care
RSPT 2139
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
RSPT 2141
Advanced Respiratory Care Pharmacology
RSPT 2153
Basic Neonatal / Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Care
RSPT 2158
Respiratory Care Patient Assessment
RSPT 2310
Cardiopulmonary Disease
RSPT 2366
Clinical Practicum IV
RSPT 2405
Pulmonary Diagnostics with Lab
RSPT 2666
Clinical Practicum I
RSPT 3566
Clinical Practicum V
RSPT 3567
Clinical Practicum VI (Pulmonary Diagnostics)
RSPT 3966
Clinical Practicum II
RSPT 3967
Clinical Practicum III
RSPT 1101
Introduction to Respiratory Care
RSPT 1102
Respiratory Care Therapist Practicum I
RSPT 1203
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
RSPT 1310
Respiratory Care Procedures I
RSPT 1340
Advanced Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology
RSPT 1425
Respiratory Care Sciences
RSPT 2101
Advanced Mechanical Ventilation with Lab
RSPT 2143
Research in Respiratory Care
RSPT 2201
Airway Assessment and Management with Lab
RSPT 2302
Diagnostic Monitoring with Lab
RSPT 2317
Respiratory Care Pharmacology with Lab
RSPT 2353
Neonatal/Pediatric Cardiopulmonary Care
RSPT 2403
Respiratory Care Therapist Practicum II
RSPT 2404
Respiratory Care Therapist Practicum III
RSPT 2414
Mechanical Ventilation with Lab
RSPT 3102
Pulmonary Pathologies
RSPT 3307
Respiratory Care Therapist Practicum VI
RSPT 3405
Respiratory Care Therapist Practicum IV
RSPT 3406
Respiratory Care Therapist Practicum V
SFMS 1301
General Animal Science
SFMS 3302
Surgical Sterile Processing
SFMS 3501
Advanced Clinical Medicine with Lab
SFMS 4303
Traumatic Wound Surgical Management I
SFMS 4304
Traumatic Wound Surgical Management II
SFMS 4401
Surgical Anesthesia
SFMS 4402
Regional Anesthesia
SFMS 4505
Clinical Practicum I
SFMS 4606
Clinical Practicum II
SFMS 4607
Clinical Practicum III
SUBA 3205
Introduction to Submarine Administration
SUBA 3506
Administrative Practicum I
SUBA 3507
Administrative Practicum II
SUBI 3203
Submarine Atmosphere Controls
SUBI 3204
Introduction to Water Sanitation and Planned Maintenance
SUBI 3301
Introduction to Radiation Health Program
SUBI 3302
Principles of Radiation Health
SUBI 3305
Resuscitative Therapy and Policy
SUBI 3306
Clinical Medicine I
SUBI 3308
Clinical Medicine III
SUBI 3309
Clinical Medicine IV
SUBI 3311
Clinical Medicine VI
SUBI 3312
Clinical Medicine VII
SUBI 3410
Clinical Medicine V
SUBI 4115
Emergency Medicine I Practicum
SUBI 4214
Emergency Medicine I
SUBI 4307
Clinical Medicine II
SUBI 4313
Community Health and Occupational Safety
SUBI 4816
Administrative Practicum
SUBI 4917
Clinical Rotation
SURI 3101
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology and Medical History
SURI 3108
Maritime Health Services Practicum I
SURI 3111
Emergency Management
SURI 3112
Maritime Health Services Practicum II
SURI 3116
Maritime Health Services Practicum III
SURI 3205
Clinical Medicine I
SURI 3303
Preventive Medicine
SURI 3307
Clinical Medicine III
SURI 3309
Clinical Medicine IV
SURI 3314
Clinical Medicine VII
SURI 3315
Emergency Medicine I
SURI 3404
Pharmacology and Diagnostics
SURI 3413
Clinical Medicine VI
SURI 3506
Clinical Medicine II
SURI 3610
Clinical Medicine V
SURI 4217
Emergency Medicine II
SURI 4402
Community Health and Medical information
SURI 4519
Clinical Rotation II
SURI 4618
Clinical Rotation I
SUR 3101
Ophthalmology Selective
SUR 3102
Otolaryngology Selective
SUR 3200
Surgery and Surgical Subspecialties Clerkship
SUR 3620
Urology Selective
SUR 4400
General Surgery
SUR 4410
General Surgery Sub-Internship
SUR 4420
Cardiothoracic Surgery
SUR 4430
Cardiothoracic Surgery Sub-Internship
SUR 4440
Burn Intensive Care Unit (BICU)
SUR 4450
Burn Intensive Care Unit (BICU) Sub-Internship
SUR 4460
Vascular Surgery
SUR 4470
Vascular Surgery Sub-Internship
SUR 4480
Renal Transplantation Rotations
SUR 4510
Pediatric Surgery
SUR 4520
Pediatric Surgery Sub-Internship
SUR 4530
Sports Orthopedics
SUR 4550
SUR 4570
Otolaryngology Elective
SUR 4581
Otolaryngology Sub-Internship
SUR 4620
Urology Elective
SUR 4630
Urology Sub-Internship
SUR 4640
Orthopedic Surgery
SUR 4650
Orthopedic Surgery Sub-Internship
SUR 4660
Plastic Surgery
SUR 4670
Plastic Surgery Sub-Internship
SUR 4690
Trauma Surgery
SUR 4700
Trauma Surgery Sub-Internship
SUR 4710
Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) Sub-Internship
SUR 4720
Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU) Elective
SUR 4750
SUR 4755
Community Multi-Specialty Surgery
SUR 4758
International Surgery
SUR 4760
Neurosurgery Sub-Internship
SUR 5000
Surgery Independent Study
URT 3301
Introduction to Urology A&P, Genitourinary Disorders and Cancers
URT 3302
Urologic Radiology
URT 3303
Clinical Urology
URT 3604
Clinical Rotation I
URT 4605
Clinical Rotation II