HPE 616 Leading with Imagination
This course asks you to use imagination, creativity, and critical reflection to nuance and integrate what you have learned about leadership in health professions education during your career and through your certificate or degree program. You will serve as a consultant to others as we work toward transforming practice and theory into practical wisdom (or phronesis) for daily leadership.
The course functions as a workshop where you can craft and season your identity and authority as a leader in health professions education. You and your colleagues will engage each other’s capacities—critiquing, improvising, and exploring toward authentic, engaging, generative, imaginative, and meaningful leading.
You will identify and build on your strengths by reflecting on critical leadership incidents that you handled well in the past. You will also deepen your expertise in an issue, skill, or content area you wish to enrich at this point in your career.
Case-based learning allows you to practice applying knowledge to real-world situations in a low-stakes environment. Guided inquiry, structured reflection, and immediate feedback promote higher levels of cognition, collaborative learning, the construction of transferrable knowledge, and improved communication. You will grow in your ability to assess appropriate actions, recognize and generalize from patterns, develop theory, identify contextual factors, and summarize your thinking.