2023-2024 Academic Catalog

PSY 4170 Hospice Care

This rotation offers a multidisciplinary approach to in-home palliative care & pain control for terminally ill patients. Encompasses nursing, social work, pastoral care, volunteers, home health aides and bereavement services. The course focus is holistic, addressing medical, psychosocial & spiritual needs of patients and their families. Participate in outpatient, home and hospice center visits and care, and attend available lectures and team meetings.

Available site: Montgomery Hospice
Academic Level/Year: Post-Clerkship year
Prep: successful completion of the Clerkship-level rotation
Slots Available/rotation: 1 (one) student/rotation, with some rotations not being available.
*Students must confirm enrollment with Psychiatry Course Coordinators (psychiatrycourses@usuhs.edu) to assure availability.




Montgomery Hospice -MD