The Mission of the Uniformed Services University Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist (AG-CNS) program is to educate safe, competent Clinical Nurse Specialists who are able to practice independently in response to worldwide missions in the Uniformed Services in support of the adult and geriatric population across the wellness through acute care continuum with the specialty focus of perioperative nursing.
The Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist (AG-CNS) program is dedicated to graduate education of nurses in the uniformed services within the advanced practice role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). The program prepares nurses for the care of the adult and geriatric population across the wellness to acute care continuum, and includes specialty preparation in perioperative nursing. The educational focus is on the integration of clinical practice, management & leadership, evidence-based practice/scholarship, education, and consultation into the single multifaceted advanced practice role of a CNS. The program integrates evidence-based theory and practice concepts to enable students to critically analyze scientific literature, evaluate nursing outcomes, translate evidence to support clinical, fiscal, and managerial decision-making, and develop advanced practice skills necessary to function in increasingly complex healthcare settings and assist in the transformation of healthcare to improve safety and outcomes for our patients.
In addition to the role and population focus of the AG-CNS program, additional content is provided to support the specialty focus of perioperative nursing. From a specialty perspective, the program emphasizes building leadership within the perioperative environment to improve patient care outcomes; enhance the delivery of evidence-based care; and improve the business side of healthcare focused on efficiency, productivity, and overall management in the care of the surgical patient. The specialty focus of the program supports the advanced practice CNS role across the perioperative continuum of care to enhance the care of patients and families undergoing operative and other invasive procedures.
The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) AG-CNS program is 36 months of full-time study combining didactic and clinical experiences across the wellness through acute care continuum within the five domains of the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS): leader/manager, consultant, educator, scholar (evidence-based practice) and clinical expert within the three spheres of impact for CNS practice (patient, nurse and organization). Within the three-year program, on average, graduates will obtain over 1800 hours of clinical experience working with masters and doctorally-prepared managers, clinical nurse specialists, physician assistants, clinical and surgeon champions, and subject matter experts within Federal and civilian healthcare facilities. All clinical assignments are designed in concert with the leadership at the clinical sites in an effort to develop “real world application” experiences that demonstrate the student’s ability to translate knowledge gained in the classroom into clinical practice.
The curriculum meets the goals of the AACN 2021 Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education, and the National Association for Clinical Nurse Specialist (NACNS) National CNS Competency Task Force Organizing Framework and Core Competencies (2008). The curriculum is aligned with the2010 AACN Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist Competencies; the 2011 Criteria for the Evaluation of Clinical Nurse Specialist Masters, Practice Doctorate, and Post-graduate Certificate Educational Program, 2010 AACN Scope and Standards for Acute and Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist Practice; Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) 2006 Position Statement on the Perioperative Advanced Practice Nurse and the 2010 AORN Perioperative Advanced Practice Nurse Competencies.
Graduates from this program are prepared to sit for advanced practice certification as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Adult-Gerontology offered by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) Certification Corporation. Additionally, graduates are eligible to sit for specialty certification as an advanced practice Perioperative CNS offered by the Credentialing and Certification Institute (CCI). This specialty certification links the CNSs initial licensure certification as an APRN to that of specialty practice to validate specialty specific competencies at the APRN level of practice within the perioperative continuum of care.